Trustis FPS Issuing Authority
Digital Certification Services

Policies & Practices
PKI Disclosure Statement The top-level document for anyone wishing to know about the policy governing the use and reliance on digital certificates issued by this Issuing Authority.
FPS Certificate Policy The underlying full supporting details of the Certificate Policy
Enrolment Requirements The acceptable evidence that may be supplied in support of an application for a certificate depends on the sponsoring organisation and the governing PKI Disclosure Statement. Contact your sponsoring organisation or the Trustis FPS Registrar for details .
Subscriber Agreement What you must agree to when applying for and accepting a certificate
Relying Party Charter Issues that someone who relies on a certificate must be aware of
Privacy Charter Why information about you is required, what will be done with it, and your rights
Certificate Revocation How and why a Certificate may be revoked
Root Certificate
Download the FPS Root CA Certificate The Trustis FPS Root CA is approved under Microsoft's Trusted Root CA programme and is supplied from Microsoft as part of Windows maintenance. If you require a copy of the Root CA and Issuing Authority certificates, you can obtain them from here. 
Verify the FPS Root CA Certificate Corroborative information about the Trustis FPS Root CA certificate can be found here.
Requesting and Installing Web-Server certificates Requesting and installing certificates for web-servers
About Digital Certificates An introduction to Digital Certificates
The ABC's of Secure Electronic Commerce A general briefing on encryption, digital signatures, digital certificates and how they are managed, and how they are used to support secure electronic commerce. (Note that this is in pdf format and requires a suitable reader.  A free reader for almost any computer can be obtained from
Glossary of terms Need to know what a word or phrase means - look it up here.