


Accept a Certificate

Demonstrate approval of a Certificate while knowing or having notice of its contents.

Activation Data

Private data, other than keys, that are required to access cryptographic modules.

Asymmetric Cryptosystem

A system which generates and employs a secure key consisting of a Private Key for creating a Digital Signature and a Public Key to verify a Digital Signature.


A process used to ascertain the identity of a person or the integrity of specific information.  For a message, authentication involves ascertaining its source and that it has not been modified or replaced in transit.


See Digital Certificate

Certificate Authority (CA)

See Certification Authority.

Certificate Manufacturer

The entity providing certificate management operational services for the Issuing Authority.

Certificate Policy

A named set of rules that indicate the applicability of a certificate to a particular community and/or class of application with common security requirements.  A certificate policy may be used by a Subscriber or Relying Party to help in deciding whether a certificate (and the binding therein), is sufficiently trustworthy for a particular application.

Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

A list maintained by of on behalf of an Issuing Authority of the certificates that it has issued, that are revoked before their natural expiry time.

Certificate Status Information

Information that indicates whether Certificates have been revoked or suspended, commonly provided in bulk by Certificate Revocation Lists, or individually through specific online enquiries (e.g. OCSP).

Certification Authority (CA)

The software and hardware system used by the Issuing Authority or it’s designated Certificate Manufacturer to issue and manage the full lifecycle of certificates.

Certification Authority Certificate

See Issuing Authority Certificate.

Certification Authority Key (CA-Key)

The private key used by the Issuing Authority for signing certificates and other objects.

Certification Path

A logical and ordered sequence of Certificates which, together with the Public Key of the initial entity in the Certification Path, can be processed to obtain that of the final entity in the Certification Path.

Certification Practice Statement

A statement of the policies and practices employed in the issuance of certificates and in support of one or more Certificate Policies.


Ascertain through appropriate inquiry and investigation.

Corresponding private key

Given a public key taken from a key pair, the corresponding private key is the private key from that same key pair, (and vice-versa for corresponding public key).


A certificate used to establish a trust relationship between two Issuing Authorities.

Digital Certificate

A collection of data that at least:

1.       Identifies the issuing Certification Authority

2.       Names or identifies its Subscriber

3.       Contains the Subscriber's Public Key

4.       Identifies the operational period of Certificate

5.       Bears the Digital Signature of the Issuing Certification Authority

Digital Signature

The result of a transformation of a message by means of a cryptographic system and a Hash function, using keys such that a person who has the initial message and the signer’s Public Key can determine:

1.       Whether the transformation was created using the Private Key that corresponds to the signer's Public Key, and

2.       Whether the initial Message has been altered since the transformation was made.

Hash Function

An algorithm mapping or translating one sequence of bits into another, generally smaller, set (the Hash or Message Digest) such that:

1.       A Message yields the same Hash Result every time the algorithm is executed using the same Message as input;

2.       It is computationally infeasible that a Message can be derived or reconstituted from the Hash Result provided by the algorithm; and

3.       It is computationally infeasible that two Messages can be found that produce the same Hash Result using the algorithm

Hash or Message Digest

The output produced by a Hash Function upon processing a Message.

High Security Zone

An area to which access is controlled through an entry point and limited to authorised, appropriately screened personnel and properly escorted visitors.  High-Security Zones should be accessible only from Security Zones, and are separated from Security Zones and Operations Zones by a perimeter built to the specifications recommended in a threat risk assessment.  High-Security Zones are monitored 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by security staff, other personnel or electronic means.

Hold a Private Key

To use or to be able to use a Private Key.

Incorporate by reference

Make one Message a part of another Message by:-

1.       Identifying the Message to be incorporated;

2.       Providing information which enables the Receiving Party to access and obtain the incorporated Message in its entirety; and

3.       Expressing the intention that it be part of the incorporating Message.

The incorporated Message shall have the same effect as if it had been fully stated in the incorporating Message to the extent permitted by law.

Issue a Certificate

The acts of an Issuing Authority in creating a Certificate and notifying the Subscriber identified in the Certificate, of the contents of the Certificate.

Issuing Authority

By definition, an Issuing Authority is the entity listed in the certificate in the issuer field.  The Issuing Authority has the responsibility for deciding who may be issued with a certificate carrying its name.

Issuing Authority Certificate.

A Certificate for an Issuing Authority’s Public Key, and for use in signing certificates created by Certification Authority software under its control.

Key Pair

In an Asymmetric Cryptosystem - a Private Key and its mathematically related Public Key having the property that the Public Key can verify a Digital Signature that the Private Key creates.

Local Registration Authority

See Registration Authority


A digital representation of information.

Message integrity

The assurance of unaltered transmission and receipt of a Message from the sender to the intended recipient


Strong and substantial evidence of the identity of the Signer of a Message and of Message integrity, sufficient to prevent a party from successfully denying the original submission or delivery of the Message and the integrity of its contents.


Communicate or make available information to another person as required under the circumstances

Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)

A network protocol used to ascertain the current validity status of a certificate.

Operational Period of Certificate

The Operational Period of a Certificate begins on the date and time it is issued by a Certification Authority (or on a later date and time certain if stated in the Certificate), and ends on the date and time it expires or is earlier revoked or suspended.

Operations Zone

An area where access is limited to personnel who work there and to properly escorted visitors.  Operations Zones should be monitored at least periodically, based on a threat risk assessment, and should preferably be accessible from a Reception Zone.

Policy Authority

The entity that has ultimate responsibility for approving the Certificate Policy used to govern the issuance, management and usage of a specified set of digital certificates.

Private Key

The private part of an asymmetric key pair used for public key encryption techniques.  The private key is typically used for signing via digital signatures or for decrypting messages.

Public Key

The public part of an asymmetric key pair used for public key encryption techniques.  The public key is typically used for verifying digital signatures or to encrypt messages to the owner of the private key.

Public-access Zone

An area in which there is no personnel access control.  Generally surrounds or forms part of a security facility.  Examples include the grounds surrounding a building, and public corridors and elevator lobbies in multiple-occupancy buildings.  Boundary designators such as signs and direct or remote surveillance may be used to discourage unauthorised activity.

Reception Zone

The entry to a facility where the initial contact between the public and the facility occurs, where services are provided, information is exchanged and access to restricted (Operations, Security and High-security) zones is controlled.  To varying degrees, activity in a Reception Zone is monitored by the personnel who work there, by other personnel or by security staff.  Access by the public may be limited to specific times of the day or for specific reasons.  Entry beyond the Reception Zone is indicated by a recognisable perimeter such as a doorway or an arrangement of furniture and dividers in an open office environment.

Registration Authority (RA)

An entity which is authorised or licensed by an Issuing Authority to carry out the practices and procedures for identification and Authentication of Certificate Subscribers in order to grant requests from subscribers for issuance of certificates or for their revocation, but without the responsibility for signing or issuing Certificates or Certificate Revocation Information.

Relying Party

An entity that does not necessarily hold a certificate as a subscriber does, but even so, during the course of a transaction, may be a recipient of a certificate and who therefore acts in reliance on that certificate and/or digital signatures verified using that certificate


The entity providing a community-wide accessible mechanism by which primarily subscribers and relying parties can obtain and validate information on certificates issued under the governing policy.

Revoke a Certificate

Permanently end the Operational Period of a Certificate from a specified time.

Security Zone

An area to which access is limited to authorised personnel and to authorised and properly escorted visitors.  Security Zones should preferably be accessible from an Operations Zone, and through a specific entry point.  A Security Zone need not be separated from an Operations Zone by a secure perimeter.  A Security Zone should be monitored 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by security staff, other personnel or electronic means.


A person who creates a Digital Signature for a Message.


An entity that:

1.       Is the subject named or identified in a Certificate issued to such person; and

2.       Holds a Private Key that corresponds to a Public Key listed in that Certificate.

Suspend a Certificate

Temporarily suspend the Operational Period of a Certificate for a specified time period.


1.       To create a notation that indicates, at least, the correct date and time of an action and the identity of the person that created the notation; or

2.       Such a notation appended, attached or referenced.

Time-stamping Authority

The Trust Service Provider operating, controlling and issuing time-stamps for use by other entities.

Transactional Certificate

A certificate for a specific transaction incorporating by reference, one or more Digital Signatures.

Trust Service

1.       A trust-enhancing service offered or performed by a Trust Service Provider that supports the assurance, integrity or security of electronically executed activities, (e.g. time-stamping, notarisation, watermarking etc.)

2.       The service offered or performed by an Issuing Authority, Registration Authority, Certificate Manufacturer or other trusted intermediary relating to the issuance and control of Digital Certificates, (e.g. manufacture, issuance, revocation, publication, registration, validity-checking, policy-making, etc.)

Trust Service Provider

An entity that acts as a supplier of Trust Services.

Trustworthy System

Computer hardware, software and procedures that:

1.       Are adequately secure from intrusion and misuse;

2.       Provide an adequate level of availability, reliability and correctness of operation;

3.       Are adequately suited to performing their intended functions; and

4.       Adhere to generally accepted security principles.

Valid certificate

A Certificate which:

1.       A Certificate Authority has issued

2.       The Subscriber has accepted

3.       Has not been revoked or suspended

4.       Has not expired

In addition for a Transactional Certificate:

1.       The Subscriber has accepted, but limited to the Digital Signature created pursuant to the specific transaction to which the Transactional Certificate relates.

Validity Period

The period that is defined within a certificate, during which that certificate is intended to be valid for use in protecting the certificate holder’s allowable activities.

Verify a Digital Signature and message integrity

In relation to a given Digital Signature, Message and Public Key, to determine accurately:-

1.       That the Digital Signature was created during the Operational Period of a Valid Certificate by the Private Key corresponding to the Public Key listed in the Certificate; and

2.       The Message has not been altered since its Digital Signature was created.



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