Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation - Microsoft IIS 5.x / 6.x

A CSR is a file containing your IIS SSL certificate application information, including your Public Key. Generate your CSR and then copy and paste the CSR file into the webform in the enrollment process:

Generate keys and Certificate Signing Request:

IIS SSL server certificate - internet services manager

IIS SSL server certificate - directory security

IIS SSL server certificate - IIS Certificate wizard

IIS SSL server certificate - immediate request

IIS SSL server certificate - security settings

IIS SSL server certificate - organization

IIS SSL server certificate - domain name

IIS SSL server certificate - region

IIS SSL server certificate - file name

IIS SSL server certificate - file summary

To save your private key:

We recommend that you make a note of your password and backup your key as these are known only to you, so if you loose them we can't help!  A floppy diskette or other removable media stored in a secure location is recommended for your backup files.