Installing your SSL Server Certificate - Netscape I-Planet 4.1

You will receive an email from the Registration Authority when your certificate request has been approved that contains a link to a location where your certificate may be obtained.  Clicking on this link will bring up a browser window that contains the details of your issued certificate and includes a section that looks something like the following:


Copy everything you see between and including the lines that look like

and paste it into an appropriately named text file e.g. myserver.cert

Installing CA Certificates

The CA certificates must be installed as a certificate chain.

  1. Download the PEM format Bundled CA certificate file (full CA chain)
  2. Sign onto the Webserver and select the server to manage.
  3. Select the Security tab and then Install Certificate.

  4. Open the saved PEM format Bundled CA certificate file (full CA chain) in a text editor.
  5. Select Server Certificate Chain, enter the password and copy the text from the saved PEM format Bundled CA certificate file (full CA chain) to the Message Text box (including all of the BEGIN and END lines), then click OK.

  6. Accept the certificate.
    NOTE: Do not shutdown or restart the server until all steps have been completed.

Installing the Server Certificate

For the server certificate, repeat the steps from 3 above, but this time:

Enabling SSL

At this stage all the certificates are installed and SSL now needs to be activated.

Now shutdown and restart the server.